    2024-05-20 10:00  


    马启民,男,讲师,群众研究生学历,博士学位,毕业于中国科学院大学防灾减灾工程专业,主要从事陆面生态水文过程观测与模拟研究,发表学术论文20余篇,其中SCI 13篇,中文核心11篇,邮件地址:mqm@cuit.edu.cn




    3.  陆表蒸散发反演


    1. 国家数据中心专题“典型高山峡谷流域高时空分辨率水文过程驱动数据集制备关键技术及在藏东南的洪水模拟示范”,2023-2024年,主持

    2. 中科院西北院数据专题“淤地坝提取和洪水溃坝预警展示系统技术服务”,2023-2024年,主持

    3. 成都信息工程大学人才引进“鄂尔多斯沙地柠条人工林水文过程观测与模拟研究”,2020-2022年,主持

    4. 国家重点研发计划“高寒内陆盆地水循环全过程高效利用与生态保护技术”2018-2021年,参与

    5. 中国科学院科技服务网络计划(STS计划) 砂岩区退化土地修复与生态产业技术示范2017-2018年,主要参与

    6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目通过陆面过程模型模拟青藏高原多年冻土关键水热特征2015-2018年,参与


    1. 马启民, 黄滢冰, 南卓铜. 青藏高原典型多年冻土区的一维水热过程模拟研究[J]. 冰川冻土, 2016, 38(02):341-350.

    2. 马启民, 贾晓鹏, 王海兵. 气候和人为因素对植被变化影响的评价方法综述[J]. 中国沙漠, 2019,39(06):48-55.

    3. 马启民, 王海兵, 贾晓鹏. 库布齐沙漠人工柠条林地表辐射特征[J]. 中国沙漠, 2021, 41(05):43-50.

    4. 马启, 龙银平, 汤世宇, . 库布齐沙漠典型沙地人工林蒸散对比分析[J.遥感技术与应用,2022374):854-864.

    5. 马启民, 李永山, 王海兵, . 鄂尔多斯沙地人工柠条林能量平衡与蒸散研究[J].高原气象,2022,41(06):1511-1521.

    6. 贾晓鹏, 马启民*, 龙银平, . 以中型蒸渗仪监测的库布齐沙漠人工林土壤蒸发量[J.中国沙漠,2022421):211-222.

    7. 王远征, 马启民, 贾晓鹏. 柴达木盆地灌木林地和高寒草甸蒸散发特征研究[J]. 高原气象, 2023,42(03):785-794.

    8. 吴小波, 范晓雨, 刘晓敬, 肖林, 马启民, . 基于Google Earth Engine云平台的成渝城市群生态环境质量时空变化[J]. 生态学杂志, 2023,42(03):759-768.

    9. 李永山, 贾晓鹏, 马启民. 孔兑沙漠小流域高含沙洪水水沙关系特征及其指示意义——以毛布拉孔兑苏达尔沟为例[J]. 干旱区资源与环境, 2019,33(03):92-97.

    10. 李永山, 斯庆毕力格, 马启民. 沙漠沟谷暴雨洪水侵蚀产沙特征[J]. 中国沙漠, 2019,39(02):96-104.

    11. 李永山, 贾晓鹏, 王海兵, 王建, 马启民. 1966—2019年黄河乌兰布和沙漠宽谷段河道深泓横向摆动特征[J]. 中国沙漠, 2023(05):1-7

    12. Ma Qimin, Long Yinping, Jia Xiaopeng, et al. Vegetation response to climatic variation and human activities on the Ordos Plateau from 2000 to 2016[J]. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2019, 78(24).

    13. Zhang Ling, Ma Qimin, Zhao Yanbo, et al. China's strictest water policy: Reversing water use trends and alleviating water stress[J]. Journal of Environmental Management, (2023), Vol (345), 118867.

    14. Long Yinping, Zhang Yaonan, Ma Qimin. A Merging Framework for Rainfall Estimation at High Spatiotemporal Resolution for Distributed Hydrological Modeling in a Data-Scarce Area[J]. Remote Sensing. 2016; 8(7):599.

    15. Long, Yinping, Chen Gongyan, Ma Qimin, et al. Ground validation of Fengyun-4A and Global Precipitation Measurement satellite observations over an alpine and canyon basin of the southeastern Tibetan Plateau[J]. Journal of Mountain Science, (2022), 19(12), 3568-3581.

    16. Zhang Ling, Ma Qimin, Zhao Yanbo, et al. Determining the influence of irrigation efficiency improvement on water use and consumption by conceptually considering hydrological pathways[J], Agricultural Water Management, 2019, V(213): 674-681.

    17. Zhang Ling, Zhao Yanbo, Ma Qimin, et al. A parallel computing-based and spatially stepwise strategy for constraining a semi-distributed hydrological model with streamflow observations and satellite-based evapotranspiration[J]. Journal of Hydrology, 2021, V(594), 125969.

    18. Zhang Ling, Wang Weiguo, Ma Qimin, et al. "CCropLand30: High-resolution hybrid cropland maps of China created through the synergy of state-of-the-art remote sensing products and the latest national land survey." Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 218 (2024): 108672.

    19. Long Yinping, Zhang Yaonan, Ma Qimin. A merging framework for rainfall estimation at high spatiotemporal resolution for distributed hydrological modeling in a data-scarce area[J], Remote Sensing, 2016, 8(7).

    20. Li Yongshan, Wang Haibing, Ma Qimin. Responses of the braided channel to reduced discharge and lateral inputs of aeolian sand in the Ulan Buh Desert Reach of the Upper Yellow River[J]. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2018, 77:379.

    21. Zhang Ling, Li Xin, Zheng Donghai, Zhang Kun, Ma Qimin. Merging multiple satellite-based precipitation products and gauge observations using a novel double machine learning approach[J]. Journal of Hydrology, 2021, 594(6):125969.

    22. Zhang Ling, Ren Dong, Nan Zhuotong, Wang Weizhen, Zhao Yi, Zhao Yanbo, Ma Qimin. Interpolated or satellite-based precipitation? Implications for hydrological modeling in a meso-scale mountainous watershed on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau[J]. Journal of Hydrology, 2020,V(583) 124629.

    23. Wang Yuanzheng, Hu Caizhi, Jia Xiaopeng, Ma Qimin. Characteristics of Evapotranspiration and Water Consumption of Different Underlying Surfaces in Qaidam Basin[J]. Water. 2022; 14(21):3469.

    24. Li Yongshan, Jia Xiaopeng, Wang Haibing, Ma Qimin. Desert river channel deposition characteristics and their implications for lateral infusion of aeolian sand in the Ulan Buh desert reaches of the Yellow River[J]. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2023 (82):525.
